Druana Ashcraft Photography Portfolio
Shutter Speed, what is it?
The length of time when the film or digital sensor inside the camera is exposed to light, also when a camera's shutter is open when taking a photograph.

Assessment 2
With this assessment we were told to take 3 different sires of photos at different shutter speed settings. While taking the photos at the beginning of the sires they were meant to be blurry. But don't get confused, the blur is from the movement in the photo rather than from me just moving the camera Using different shutter speeds will help you get cool effects in the photos, example being if someone is moving fast, and you take a photo with a slow shutter speed you can see their movements in lines following behind them, that helps to show the moment in the photo while the actual object itself is perfectly still in the photo. So that's a way you can use a slow shutter speed. Using a fast shutter speed would be like when you want crisp pictures, like during sports for example. If you are trying to get a photo of someone running down the field and you want them to be frozen in place then a faster shutter speed would help you capture that.
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Light Painting
For light painting we had to work and adjust the settings for our personal preferences. We tried a lot of different light techniques in our photos. we attempted Writing in the air, drawing on people, and of corse crazy hair.

Follow Blur
Follow Blur
While taking these pictures we had a lot of fails. As we went on we figured out about the right settings for it to come out the way we wanted. As we continued we found out that if you try and keep your subject in the middle of the frame then the more the effect will show.
Zoom Blur
For the zoom blur, I looked for subjects that were write and colorful first so I can get more of an effect. As I went on I found some cool looking things. While I took the photo I turned the zoom on the lens at the same exact time I pushed the button. Giving the photo a cool look. After a few photos I tried leaving the lens still and I turned the camera while I took the photo giving it a different more twirled effect.

2nd Curtain Flash
Changing the settings to have a 2nd curtain flash helped create this effect on these photos. With a low shutter speed and slow movements also participated in these photos. We did many different movements for the pictures, trying to get different designs and outcomes in the photos we took.